“Aradech Arada” is from a wonderful concert at the Mosesian Center for the Arts in Watertown, MA in 2017. This concert was a celebration of the Armenian connection to great Ethiopian music via a composer and sort of maestro di capello named Nerses Nalbandian. That’s his son, Harout, playing guitar.
The Either/Orchestra has been to Ethiopia twice. The first time was an incredible once in a lifetime experience, and the second was…an incredible once in a lifetime experience. The second time around, we were there specifically to work on Nalbandian’s music, both with the wishes and blessings of his children and their families, and through Buda Musique who was going to release another Ethiopiques record with us on it. Here’s hoping that is released someday.
Anyway, this concert was a natural outgrowth of our second trip to Ethiopia, and itself another wonderful experience.